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SPOT - satellite terminal for animal search

Dog search hunting Garmin Astro - SPOT will not replace

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1000 saved people around the world is a merit SPOT

Read about a wide variety of real-life stories in which SPOT saved a person's life.

Look at the map with thousands of successful rescue operations thanks to SPOT

SPOT does not require a cellular connection to work. There are cheaper solutions using cellular communications, but in our region, Atyrau region, cellular communications catch only 17% of the territory, so cheap solutions are not suitable for us. 

Where is SPOT indispensable?

In Kazakhstan, more than 70 percent of the territory is not served by cellular communications. Therefore, for travelers and not only, in hard-to-reach places, SPOT is the only option to report your location and send an SOS signal! SPOT can be programmed to send an alarm message to your loved ones and, for example, to the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Going on a trip or a long trip, take SPOT GEN3 with you. It is 100% that you will always be able to tell where you are and that you are okay or have problems.

Differences between SPOT and GPS/GLONASS monitoring

Various types of GPS beacons or trackers can be used to track moving objects. Currently, trackers are called more advanced and complex devices with the ability to connect different sensors; they are used mainly for monitoring cars. The beacon is a simple device that transmits coordinates relatively rarely with an interval of 1-24 hours, and the tracker often with an interval of 5-120 seconds. Both of them use GPS or Cellular communication to determine the coordinates. They transmit information to the Internet more often using  cellular communications, and sometimes, for example, as a SPOT directly via satellite,   about the same as Thuraya and Iridium satellite phones._cc781905-5cde-3194-5cde-3194-5cde-3194-5cde-3194 bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ 

Tracking pets, without cell service!

SPOT series devices are a satellite terminal combined with a GPS receiver. SPOT is used to track moving objects in remote areas where there is no cellular coverage. Thus, SPOT transmits its coordinates to the satellites, and from there to the Internet to the server. Therefore, at any time, in any place, you can track the position of the object. Since a satellite communication channel is used, it must be taken into account that such a connection is more expensive than cellular GSM. In addition, the cost of power supply has to be saved in order to make the device as autonomous as possible. Therefore, the frequency of communication is from 15 minutes to 1 day. The less often, the longer the device will work without recharging. In some models, it is possible to send certain code messages such as "all OK" or "Accident", etc. In some cases, server can send SMS or E-mail if it has received a specific code message from the device.

Most often, for tracking animals, the simplest SPOT trace model is used. And for tourists and travelers SPOT GEN3, capable of transmitting code messages. When tracking a herd of horses, a collar with a SPOT trace is put on the leader of the herd. By tracking the leader, they control the entire herd. The frequency of messages is enough 1-6 hours. This is enough to find a herd in the steppe. Charge accumulators (batteries) are enough for 2-3 months, depending on the frequency of sending coordinates, on temperature, less in winter.

When buying, please note that the subscription fee is charged for each month. There is no option to temporarily disable the device

For hunters, Garmin releases the Garmin Astro series. GPS receivers with collar. Inside the collar are GPS receivers and a walkie-talkie that transmits the dog's coordinates to the owner's GPS receiver. On the owner's screen, the track of the owner himself and the track of the dog are tracked. It is possible to track multiple collars on the host screen. In general, the Garmin Astro is practically no different from the standard Garmin, but it has a powerful battery. The radio communication range in the Garmin Astro is small, 3-5 km. This must be taken into account in order to return the dog to the owner in time.

Supplied on order

These labels -  SPOT will not replace !

Miniature RFID tags are misleading. Many people think that with the help of these tags you can track the movement of animals from the satellite. This is not true, these tags only work at a short distance and serve to control the passage through the gate. 

If you want to save money and there is a cellular connection in the pasture area, you can use personal GSM trackers that are used to control children and staff to control the animal

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